Business name:St. Britto’s Academy
Company description:
We follow the syllabus on the basis of curriculum prescribed by Ncert for classes I - VIII and have decided on the textbooks required for present Academic Year 2018-19, based on inputs given by the subject experts and the background of the new generation of learners. This was the major concern of many of the parents in the year 2017-18, which was expressed and addressed in all our Orientations and Interactions. We use assessments to enhance the academic growth of our students, to develop appropriate classroom teaching methodology ∕ strategy and to provide individualized instruction to cater to all types of learners. Regular review and revision of the curriculum help us to ensure that we are delivering the best possible learning experience for our students. We integrate key concepts in Mind mapping ∕ concept mapping with techniques of memory and learning.
Company activities:
Admissions Open Pre-KG to IX and XI (2021-2022) Click here for Online Admission-St. Britto’s Academy
Year of establishment:25
Date posted / updated:24/03/2022
User - registered since:26/11/2021
Added under the name:St. Britto’s Academy
Posted in category:Education and scienceSecondary schools
Location:Other country
Statistics:2383 impressions / 399 visits
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